Fees & Fines
The days of stamping the due date in the front cover of the book are long since past. Today we issue you with a book, DVD or other item with a receipt showing the due date. You might wish to make a note in pencil on the book plate or in your diary keeping the receipt in the book.
But there are lots of other ways to ensure that you return or renew your items on time and avoid a fine. If you prefer you may opt to have your due date automatically emailed to you when you borrow a book instead of receiving a receipt – simply ask the library assistant at the counter.
You can view your loans and renew your items online via the Bucks County Council Spydus system. After registering your library card number, setting a password and providing your email address, the sytem will notify you when items are overdue.
However, becasue the Spydus system only notifies you after the due date is past, we recommend that you register on the Library Elf website which will automatically notify you before the due date in sufficient time for you to return or renew the item. This service is also available as an app (go to you app store and download ‘Library Elf’).
If you should unfortunately fail to properly renew or return your item(s) a fine is inevitable.
For a list of the current fees and fines use this link.